
Military Leadership Philosophy

Decent Essays

According to Collins English Dictionary, leadership is the position or function of a person who guides or directs a group (, n.d.). The Army defines leadership as “the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization” (FM 6-22, 2015). My leadership philosophy started before I joined the military over 15 years ago. My parents instilled values I have carried into the military, and the most important value to me is treating people the way you want to be treated. So when you define philosophy, it is meant as a foundation. Getting a solid core means having the clarity to guide decisions and a focus on sorting through all the …show more content…

I feel the current generation of Soldiers yearns for mentorship from there senior leadership. Leaders should understand that the unknown is very scary for Soldiers, and it takes mentorship to educate them on that unknown. As a leader mentor, I share my military experiences with my Soldiers - not because I made all the right decisions, but because I didn’t. My mistakes do not need to be theirs, too. Soldiers want to be successful in their personal and military life. We as leaders owe Soldiers the mentorship that was given to us when we were subordinates, as well as the mentorship we receive as we grow in our careers. If Soldiers are not seeking you out daily with emails or phone calls, and if your office doesn’t have a line to see you, it’s because you are not mentoring, coaching and educating your subordinates to achieve and become more successful than …show more content…

A leader creates the climate and sets the tone for a work environment. When you discipline your mind for success, failure is never an option. When leaders and Soldiers are not disciplined or do not maintain standards, it will negatively impact the organization. Discipline is vital and necessary to gain respect from your subordinates. Soldiers begin to lose trust and faith when leadership lacks discipline. As senior leaders, we should ensure that Soldiers are taught discipline to mature and grow in their required skills and knowledge. Once a Soldier becomes insubordinate, a leader should correct the issue before it becomes a

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