
Military Women Research Paper

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Ever since women have been apart of society and before they wanted to be treated and be alongside men in battle.But are they ready for what's out there and to see and do what men have done for thousands of years. As they have been fighting for what they for all rights that men have even though it has been very slow. With many doubting what they can do in and out of the battlefield. Though they are not as physically not as strong as men and some what not as mentally in shape also as men when older. So what they are doing are they actually ready for what is out there and are going to be physically ready.
Women have fought for ages to fight alongside men and risked their lives over their rights. As in the Mexican War in 1846 to 1848 Elizabeth …show more content…

Evan in World War II, a total of 350,000 women served in the U.S. military. More than 60,000 women served as Army nurses and over 14,000 served as Navy nurses. Even though they were far from combat, 67 Army nurses were captured in the Philippines by the Japanese in 1942. They were held as POWs for almost three years. Over a dozen Navy nurses were also captured by the Japanese during the war. Women have done so much in treachery of other men that put them down for them wanting to serve and fight for their country. As a teenager Lizzie Compton, who fellow soldiers knew as Jack or Johnny in the Civil war, was discovered to be a woman only after a battle when military doctors peeled her blue uniform away to treat a shrapnel wound to her side. Then she was discovered to be a woman and then was discharged because at that time it was illegal to serve in the military as a woman. "Get over the notions that we have about women in combat” as Jeanne Holm said, Major General, U.S. Air Force (Ret.) Even today women fight for the right to fight for what they believe in. I see no reason for any restrictions …show more content…

The first one was the Navy corpse in 1901 to let women in the nurse corpse but the air force didn’t let women in till 1949. But not until 1961 the first women was promoted to Sergeant Major. Even as these efforts are huge women are still discriminated from battle positions. Until congress finally repeals the law banning women from duty on combat ships in 1993.The plan is for the Army, Marines and other services to come up with plans to open jobs in ground combat units to women. As the progress grows for women’s rights in the military to one day cause a total freedom in the military. The first woman in US Naval history takes command of a fighter squadron.But it is a step in the direction to an America with equal rights for all, making it a step worth taking regardless of difficulties posed in the near term.But even though they are gaining rights are they truly prepared for the

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