
Millie's Toy Store: Business Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

As a pretend owner of a toy store “Millie’s Toy Store”. I have an extensive selection of toys, from the super coolest Lego people figures to one of the best-selling games of the year: The Pie Face Game. Since I’ve been in business for several years now, I have established a strong relationship with some of my customers. I make business with several large companies such as Target, Wal-Mart, and others individuals. Therefore, extending credit to my frequent customers allows them to purchase goods and pay me later. This creates loyalty due to the convenience and the relationship that I have cultivated through this arrangement. Moreover, this is a good plan in increasing sales and improving my earnings. However, the downside of this is that it could mean waiting longer for payments than my normal invoice due dates. …show more content…

In addition, I have a strict credit policy if they don’t pay on time they will be charge late fees. This actually works because if they don’t know this at from, it could be a problem. When they know that there is going to cost them more money if they don’t pay on time, usually what happens is they will send me a check sooner than the due date given. Another, thing I do is talking to my customers directly and sending an invoice once a month and if I don’t receive payment from them on due date I’ll give them a courtesy call and remind them that they owe me money. Another crucial thing I do is verify that the invoices for my customers are correct because if I don’t I am going to be short on cash on

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