
Mini Rant: Homosexuality And Gender Differences

Satisfactory Essays

(Mini Rant that will hopefully be mini)
Okay, so I just got off of whisper, and my god the people on there are dumb. Half of them are in the LGBT+ community (nearly all of them fake it to get popular) and the rest are very conservative people.
Literally every day somebody saying "I'm transgender/gender fluid/bisexual/gay/lesbian/etc. And I need to come out to my homophobic parents." And its all lies, trust me, I'm positive that nearly all of the whispers about being something other than a specific gender, or sexuality is all lies just to get attention.
But, really, its all accepted now, so that shit shouldn't be on the popular page: it is normal, stop acting like its some unique quirk. The whole point of whisper is to share experiences, not

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