
Minimum Sentencing Research Paper

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Are Americans receiving justice in the law system? Statistics indicate otherwise, a quarter of the population is locked up in the land of the free. The crack epidemic has been monumental in contributing to the mass incarceration rates, especially towards minority males. A crack cocaine offense bears a more severe offense penalty than powder cocaine, for example, if an individual has five grams of crack, they would do the same five years as someone caught with five hundred grams of powder cocaine. Non-violent drug offenses should be prosecuted but the minimum sentencing legislature ought to be eliminated. Minimum sentencing laws allocate a specific amount of time for select felonies and cannot be lessened by the judge, despite mitigating circumstances. During the 1980’s and 1990’s, crack was easily attainable, and as a result, the epidemic became extensively nationalized. As conveyed in the documentary 13, cocaine abuse developed into such a prevalent problem primarily in penurious …show more content…

This unfair legislature depletes law enforcement resources, that instead could be utilized for other serious crimes. In federal prisons, it costs $29, 000 on average to maintain a single inmate, taking possession of 25% of the budget distributed to the Department of Justice. As written in the a Washington Post Article, US District Attorney Judge Mark Bennett stated that “he couldn’t forget was the total, more than 1,100 nonviolent offenders and counting to whom he had given mandatory minimum sentences he often considered unjust. That meant more than $200 million in taxpayer money he thought had been misspent.” . Apart from the financial aspect, mandatory minimum sentencing simply fills to reduce crime in society. Over the years, the amount of people arrested for drug offenses

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