
Minimum Wage Negatives

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The Negatives of Increasing the Minimum Wage in the United States Minimum wage jobs are everywhere, and that makes them relatively easy to find. Many Americans work minimum wage jobs; however, these jobs are being overworked by the wrong people. A minimum wage job in the United States has never been, and never will be, meant to provide for a family. Adults who work a minimum wage job and try to raise a family on that income are almost always living in poverty in the United States, but what is poverty? According to Jewel in “Street Life Is No Life for Children”, “Poverty [is] the lack of affordable housing, access to education, and many other resources” (Jewel 428). In recent years, there has been talk in the United States about raising …show more content…

While there are facts that say otherwise, these people believe that an increase in pay would motivate more people to work, therefore, bringing more people into the workforce. Others view that an increase in the minimum wage will provide these workers with an increased income, which would make these families better off and put them above the poverty threshold. On another side, many Americans living in poverty cannot afford housing due to the increase in value on the home market. Minimum wage workers already have low homeownership, and the minimum wage has no effect on the recovery of the housing sector. Furthermore, these individuals believe that the since the value of the minimum wage is at a 40 year low, that increasing the minimum wage will bring more value to the dollar. The Americans who are for an increase of the minimum wage are failing to see what an increased minimum wage would do to employment rates and the economy, which eventually leads back to the national poverty rates. Contrary to popular belief, increasing the minimum wage will have negative effects on the United States and will not decrease the national poverty rate (United States: Minimum Wage has Little Economic …show more content…

“These two characteristics suggest that a substantial proportion of low-wage workers in low income families need higher skills to obtain higher wages, especially since low skill, well-paying jobs are a declining share of total employment” (Lerman). How does one decide how many skills a worker has though? The National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) is a test used nationwide to determine an individual’s ability to perform different everyday tasks that involve basic reading, writing, and mathematical skills. To give an idea of how the test works, the test is scored on five levels. An individual scoring at the lowest level is not able to perform tasks such as locating an intersection on a street map or total the costs from a purchase order

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