
Minitab Essay

Decent Essays

To decide which data set to use, we did a regression model in Minitab with both data sets to see which model was better. We decided to use the Scotland mean flowering dates to model with the two data sets. Scotland is the coldest part of the UK, so if Central England temperature could produce a good model with Scotland, then any region of the UK would also work with Central England temperature. We used Minitab to produce a multiple regression model for both data sets. For both models we used the months February and March for temperature. Regression model We produced regression models for all regions after choosing which temperature data was best. For both time periods, it made sense to see which months were useful predictors and which combination of months would give us the best regression model. Both time periods could have different months as predictors in their respective regression equations. For both time periods we decided to do four different regression models to determine which model was best for …show more content…

We assumed that the data followed a normal distribution so we generated random data, which followed a normal distribution, in Minitab. We produced a macro code to use in Minitab that could generate the random data we needed. We looked at simulating data for 10000, 1000 and 100 plants. In the macro code, we specified the mean and the standard deviation of the random data. For the first simulation we did, we looked at the impact of reducing the number of plants whist keeping the mean and standard deviations the same for 10000, 1000 and 100 plants. The next simulation looked at what effect changing the standard deviation of the different plant population sizes would have on the mean flowering dates. We then looked at producing simulations that explained the mean differences for the different

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