
Minor Child Essay

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4. Clinician did not visit with the parents of the Minor Child. However, Clinician spoke with the Minor Child’s mother by phone regarding the guardianship review and indicated she does not do not have any concerns. The biological father of the Minor Child has not be identified.
5. The court granted full guardianship of Minor Child to the parental grandfather and step grandmother, Carl Smith Jr. and Kimberly Smith. Jamie Smith, the mother of the Minor Child, lives in Pinckney, Michigan with a close family friend and is currently employed at Jets Pizza. The mother has been making strides in her substance abuse since her release from incarceration in October of 2016. The mother of the Minor Child is currently on parole and has to do random drops …show more content…

In the Minor Child’s bedroom, she had a drawer for storing all of her toys. The kitchen was well stocked with a sufficient amount of healthy food and snacks. The guardian explained that they began a health kick and were watching closely what they eat. The fridge contained fruit, vegetables, milk, and various other foods.
10. It is necessary to continue the guardianship for the following reasons: The Minor Child has had a positive and healthy relationship with her guardians all of her life. The guardian provides the Minor Child with all the necessities of life, including a comfortable safe home, with sufficient food, clothing, love and affection. The mother is unable to provide the Minor Child with adequate financial support or a continuous stable emotional environment.
11. If the guardianship is continued, the effect on the welfare of the Minor Child will be as follows: the Minor Child will continue to grow in a consistent and stable environment with her grandparents, who are raising the Minor Child. The guardians allow the biological mother to be a part of the Minor Child’s life. The Minor Child will continue to receive the medical care, education, and socialization that will allow the Minor Child to continue her healthy

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