
Minority Report And Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

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Science fiction is like a prediction of a society’s future. Sci-Fi is shown in many different movies, infomercials, and in many advertisements. But they are advertised in a different way. Mostly in Technology, but also in medication and cloning. Sci-Fi is a sort of science fiction. The films Invasion of the Body Snatchers, I am Legend, and Minority report are science fiction, they show how our society changes over time and how it is a conflict with the society's fear. Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a science fiction movie that advertises Sci-Fi throughout the film. This movie is about some mysterious pods growing on farms. But these pods were not normal, they were inordinately large with undeveloped human like creatures inside of them. …show more content…

They use technology and other minds to distribute information throughout the “Washington D.C.” area (Plot Summary). Minority Report is about three humans that can predict when a murder is going to take place. There three humans are special because as kids, they were in terror of their own dreams. They dreamed of murders that were going to happen. But the government sees it as a way to make the community better. So, they brought all three of their special human beings together and began a company that helps them picture murders before they actually happen. These dreams told the killer, the victim, and the time the murder would occur but not the location. It would show the government the items in the location, but not the exact location. The government would go out looking for this criminal before the crime was committed. Ethical Concern was distributed through this film because the going to be criminals could have made the choice not to kill the victim. John is a man whose son was taken while they were at the town pool and his name came up as a murderer. John stole a precog, the people that have the dreams, and she convinced him into not killing crow. The precrime business reflected in the Washington D.C. society. The government thought it was going to help make the world a better place, but a glitch happened during the precogs dreams. These precogs would vision the murder more than once. But this is not because they want them to put more investigation into it, it is because the murder that they first visiones of was suppose to happen and who the murderer is but it never happened that way or by that person. The second vision shows the same vision but small details are different but it is the same victim, they do not know who the actual killer is. Precrime was a benefit for Washington's government but in the end it was the total opposite. Sci-Fi was also shown in I am

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