
Miranda Rights And Constitutional Rights

Decent Essays

In today’s society, the average American does not know their Constitutional rights. They lack the basic knowledge of the rights that could possibly save them when encountering the law. Often the demographic that does not know their rights under the constitution are minority groups such as African Americans. This puts them at a disadvantage with the law. Knowing your basic rights such as: The miranda rights , freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and the right to petition and assemble is important to survive in today’s society called America. Miranda rights were created to help inform people of their constitutional rights when arrested. The officer during the arrest should read these rights to the person to prevent a faulty case. Knowing the rights of the constitution are important if someone ever encounters trouble with the law. The Miranda rights are as followed, “You have the right to remain silent , anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided, do you understand the rights as i have just read them to you, with these rights in mind do you wish to speak to me ”(Dallas Justice Department). With these rights it can prevent one from self incrimination if they are ever pulled over or arrested .There are other rights under the U.S. Constitution that can also benefit people under the law, sadly few people are aware of them. Needless to say, there are multiple

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