
Mirror Tracer Behavior

Decent Essays

Method Participants College student (N=20, 18 women, 2 men, Mage = 20.50 years, SD=1.19, age range: 19-23 years, 17 right handed, 2 left handed, 1 not reporting) were recruited from research methods Tuesday lab class. Participates were awarded a grade. Participates were randomly assigned to two different groups using convince sampling. The first group (n=10, 1 man, 9 women, Mage = 20.60 years, SD= .84, age range: 20-22, 9 right handed, 1 not reporting) is in the star group. Group two (n = 10, 1 man 9 women, Mage = 20.40, SD = 1.51, age range: 19-23, 8 right handed 2 left handed) is in the plus group. There were four mirror tracers so the group of 10 was spilt into 5 groups for each mirror tracer. All participates where treated ethically. …show more content…

The star target group had a longer time and had more errors when tracing the target. The plus group took less time to trace and had lesser errors. The problems that occurred in the study was that there was plenty of participates coaching others which, can causes distractions. Holding the silver part on the mirror tracing was a problem that also occurred in the study. Another problem was the practice effect because, participates watch as the other participates trace the target which gave participates a chance to practice in their head on how they are going to trace the target. Some participates had bigger hands which cause a problem because it was harder for them to trace the target. After participates were recorded they had to convert their scores into seconds, which caused a problem if calculated wrong causing an error in scores. Improvements that can help in future researches is to have one participate do the study independently instead of having 5 participates doing the study. This can help with limiting distractions and practice effects. What else can help is using the same writing utensils such as a pen instead of a mechanical

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