
Misconceptions Of Stereotypes

Decent Essays

Have you ever been judged based on who you hang out with or what you do because of stereotypes and misconceptions? A stereotype is an over exaggerated mental picture that is made to categorize a group of people. A misconception is an untrue view based off stereotypes. Almost everyone can be placed into a stereotypical group based on any little aspect of their life. Scared. Guilty. Helpless. Worried. Angry. Those are just some feelings a child experiences while living in a home where their parents are violent towards each other. Children raised in a domestic violent home are typically just as violent and aggressive as their parents are. At least that is what stereotypes and misconceptions say. Children with violent parents are one of the many …show more content…

We take the information that we are given daily and unconsciously make a split second decision on whether you accept them as a person or not. A disadvantage of people believing stereotypes is how it allows people to ignore the differences each person has to another person by assuming everyone who has been placed in this stereotype is the same as the last person, which might not be true. Within the first 7 seconds of meeting someone is when you categorize them into a specific stereotypical group which may help reduce the amount of thinking your mind does when meeting a new person for the first time. Research shows that these split second judgements are often wrong because they rely on stereotypes. But if we didn't stereotype people as we first met them, nobody would have any idea on how that person is and you might not know for months after knowing the person. At least there is a chance that the stereotype you make on someone might be true or …show more content…

Stereotypes range from your type of music to your sense of style to your weight/size, which can be positive or negative. Stereotypes are not always lies, just more of an over exaggeration of the truth. For instance, if someone were to say “teen moms are high school dropouts” it would be a stereotype. This stereotype may come from a statistic that shows teen moms are less likely to finish high school than other women in school, but it isn't true that all teenage mothers are high school dropouts. Based on this stereotype, there would be a misconception that teenage mothers are less educated than other mothers. Which isn't true because everyone is capable of receiving the same amount of education, mother or

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