
Miss Emily Pompous

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In “A Rose for Emily” written by William Faulkner, a story is told about a woman and her disturbingly interesting life. Emily is a woman who is respected. Along with respect, the townspeople are also very curious of Miss Emily’s secretive lifestyle. Through many tales told about her life the readers discover that Miss Emily has many strange things that she does. MIss Emily refuses to pay taxes, tries to keep her dead father’s body, is thought to have married a man that disappeared and lets her beautiful house go to ruin. Although Miss Emily’s family used to be revered after her father passed away, the town started to believe that Miss Emily was pompous. All of these things contribute to the odd way Miss Emily is thought of. From the beginning of the story to the very end Miss Emily is portrayed in a way that made her seem pretentious and hateful. For most of her life she has been raised up to know that she was above everyone else in the town, or that is what her family believes. Their family has always been well respected because of their wealth and social positioning. Along with Colonel Sartoris’s, a very important political figure in the town, help a story was made that Miss Emily did not have to pay taxes because of a debt of the town to her family. He even made the story to where even Miss Emily believed it. This makes Miss …show more content…

This means that because she didn’t have any money she was now no longer better than the rest of the town. The town soon realizes that Miss Emily does indeed have to pay taxes. They decide to go tell her to pay them. After sending many letters to her house about it the town decides to go confront her about it. When the men go to her house, Miss Emily bluntly tells them, "See Colonel Sartoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson." This shows that Miss Emily is hateful and and very stubborn, especially because Colonel Sartoris had been dead for many

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