
Mission Impossible Research Paper

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However, when executing the commander’s decision there is no room for dissent absent a clearly illegal or immoral order. In any case, thoughtful leaders understand there will be conflicts among values and are prepared to make the choice for the “harder right” —in battle or in the conference room. The fundamental lesson regarding loyalties is that “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Can do The danger with “can do” is that it can seemingly justify the imposition of “mission impossible.” The resiliency and elasticity which characterize military units can camouflage the damage wrought by persistent inadequacy of resources. A unit is given the impossible task of accounting for all serial-numbered items in 24 hours …show more content…

The primary solution is for senior commanders to educate themselves about the capacity of their subordinate units (See Principle # 9), to listen to subordinate concerns about “missions impossible,” and to ask themselves the tough question, “Is my ambition getting out of control?” For the subordinate, the only acceptable solution is to make every effort to comply with legal orders, be straight with the boss on what is doable, and never submit a phony report. Any other solution, no matter how temporarily comforting, portends trouble for self and …show more content…

But it can morph into convenient justification for policies that could provide equal treatment or opportunity while placing the organization at a disadvantage. For example, the six-month command tour in Vietnam gave large numbers of lieutenant colonels a chance for battalion command, as well as a rest. But that policy raised hell with unit stability and cohesion. Also it frustrated the more competent and resilient battalion commanders who knew six months in that environment was not long enough to best care for men or mission. Fortunately we learned to be more attentive to operational needs during OIF and OEF, although early in that era some company commanders in combat were sent home against their wishes to attend school while their units remained in the field. The noble desire to be absolutely fair to individuals who have misbehaved by tediously exploring all possible opportunities for their defense when everybody in the unit knows they are guilty as charged can also be “fairness” gone amok. Perfect fairness is an unwieldy tool in peace, a near institutional banality in war. Trust and discipline suffer when “fairness” becomes “unfair” to the

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