
Mitigation Of The Land Environment

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Mitigation: ((((((COD, Here is some mitigation in A.Phase 1 (i.e. the period of construction), B. Phase 2 (i.e. the period of operation), and C. Phase 3 (i.e. the decommissioning and abandonment ). A. For Phase 1, 1. Mitigation to the land environment: The main impact is on the terrestrial ecosystems, atmospheric and acoustic environment. To lower the most of the negative impact, relevant mitigation has been designed. (1) Atmospheric environment - Blasting, concrete mixing and transportation by heavy vehicles can make the dust release into the air. In order to reduce its impact on the atmospheric environment and ensure the health of the workers, several mitigation has been given, such as water spraying to suppress dust, making deep holes for blasting, hardening the pavement, control the speed of the transportation and putting the tarpaulin. - In order to reduce the dust pollution caused by the spoil, several mitigation has been given, such as water spraying to suppress dust, and not pouring the spoil on a large scale. - Increase the greening in order to trap dirt. (2) Sound environment - The harmful impact of noise and other aspects near the power plant can be mitigated by scheduling any particularly noisy or disturbing operations to weekdays and daytime. - Advanced information on the schedule and duration of such operations can be provided to the nearby residents and holiday home owners. Noise from the crushing of blasted stone can be reduced by using acoustically

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