
Mitral Valve Dysfunction: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Assignment 3 Freena Wani
1. The possible signs and symptoms of mitral valve dysfunction are fatigue, chest pain, palpitation, dyspnea, tachycardia, anxiety, and migraine headache (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). The most common triad of symptoms associated with mitral valve dysfunction includes rapid and irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and fatigue occurs due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Some patients also feel syncope and numbness or tingling in the hands and feet in case of mitral valve dysfunction (, 2016). Therefore, while treating the therapist should be alert for …show more content…

Syncope that occurs without any warning period of lightness, dizziness or nausea may be a sign of heart valve or arrhythmia problems (Goodman & Snyder, 2013).

6. Cardiac syncope can occur due to electrical or mechanical heart dysfunction (Farrehi, Santinga, & Eagle, 1995). Thus the electrical and mechanical cardiac causes of syncope are ventricular tachycardia with palpitations and lightheadedness, left ventricular dysfunction or myocardial ischemia with or without infarction, atrial fibrillation, advanced AV block, pulmonary embolus, and aortic stenosis. The common causes of noncardiac syncope are orthostatic hypotension, peripheral vasodilation, and neurologic conditions such as transient ischemic attack and seizures (Farrehi, Santinga, & Eagle, 1995).

7. The common signs and symptoms of anginal pain include gripping, viselike feeling of pain or pressure behind the breast bone; pain radiates to the neck, jaw, back, shoulder, or arms (left arm commonly); toothache; burning indigestion; shortness of breath; nausea and belching (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). Also, the anginal pain is described as squeezing, burning, choking, or aching. However, in the case of heartburn the patient complains about sudden wake ups at night due to heartburn, burning sensation in the chest, uneasiness after eating spicy foods, abdominal bloating and gas, difficulty in swallowing, and frequent use of antacids to relieve the symptoms (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). In peptic ulcer, the patient describes the …show more content…

The characteristics of pain from myocardial infarction and pericarditis can help to differ both the conditions, and rule out the actual problem of the patient. The characteristics of myocardial infarction include pain duration- 30 minutes to 1 hour; pain intensity and type- severe, crushing, occurs on exertion; and pain does not relieve by the rest or taking nitroglycerine. However, pericarditis, the inflammation of pericardium causes pain that lasts for hours to days; pain intensity and type- mild to severe, asymptomatic, sharp or cutting; pain increases with breathing, swallowing, belching, neck or trunk movement; and relieved by leaning forward, kneeling, sitting upright, or breath holding (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). Therefore, the therapist should ask the patient questions about his or her pain duration, type, intensity, aggravating factors, and relieving factors to rule out whether it is MI or an acute onset of

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