
Mobile : A Positive Impact On Independence, Social Participation, And Economic Participation

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Although mobile AT has a positive perceived impact on independence, social participation, safety, and economic participation across genders, employment status, and education, the most telling distinction is the differences among regions. We find consistently that in Seoul, the city with the best access to an accessibility infrastructure, respondents generally ranked lowest the perceived benefits of AT access. This can be attributed to longer experience with AT and expectations from both the technology and the systems that support its use. We see these data as suggestive of individuals’ recall of the pre-AT condition of navigating infrastructure with much more dependence on other human intermediaries. Thus it is economic participation — precisely that part of the accessibility infrastructure that most relies on others’ de-stigmatization of disability — that has the lowest rankings.
Interviews underline that even when the benefits of AT are obvious, people may not invest in it because they lack control over their own finances. Arguably the way ahead is not design at the device level but de-stigmatization at a social level in terms of the ways mobile devices are marketed or made available to the general population. In all the locations, we noticed advertisements from device manufacturers and networks that targeted ethnic, linguistic, and racial diversity. However, people with disabilities were rarely if ever featured as a user population in the public sphere. There is an urgent

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