
Mobilink's Leadership Development Program Details

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From the interviews taken, we got to know about Mobilink’s Leadership Program details as following:
Maam Hina Tasleem told us that the Leadership development program is implemented in Mobilink and the phase 1 of this talent management program started in 2011. First of all it is important to understand the hierarchy level of the organization, the CEO/ President comes under the C level, VPs are part of C-1 level, Directors come under the umbrella of C-2 level and finally managers are part of C-3 level. The company treats the C-2 and C-3 level people as emerging leaders. So basically this leadership development program was designed for them. The phase 1 started in 2011 and the tag line of this talent management program is developing a leadership pipeline. The target audience was C-2 C-3 tier. This was basically done through awareness sessions first of all in which all people were invited and the higher management (VPs and Directors) went nationwide and gave sessions regarding the program, about the advantages when the employees will get selected and they even gave a rough idea about what kind of assessments would be taken. Along with this they even told what kind of development initiatives they would be expecting if they get in the pool.
Through awareness sessions employees were able to do self-nomination. In this basically they analyzed themselves whether they fit in for the program or do they qualify for the basic criteria set. A detailed application is filled by the

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