
Model Minority Theory

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Stereotypes refer to the beliefs that make up the characteristics, attributes, and behaviors of members within a specific group (Whitley, 2016). While stereotypes can serve as a way to make quick judgements based on what we perceive, they can negatively affect those who are stereotyped. Stereotypes regardless if they are “good” or “bad” can create harmful consequences by attributing characteristics to people that simply aren’t true. Many forms of racism and stereotyping pertaining to Asian Americans are often neglected and require further attention to have these issues addressed properly (Tummala-Narra, 2018). These neglected forms of racism can potentially affect the physical well-being and mental health of Asian Americans.
According to Kurylo …show more content…

The model minority theory being a relatively newer theory, was developed in the 1960’s during the civil rights movement (Atkin, 2018). The model minority theory in the context of Asian Americans refers to them outperforming their peers academically, financially, and professionally (Daga, 2018). Thompson., Kiang, and Witkow (2016), states that the model minority theory may be an inevitable part of the identity of Asian American youth. To some, the theory may be interpreted as a “positive stereotype”. In fact, Jackson (2016) states that the general population does not think Asian Americans are oppressed, and believe that racism is not an issue for them. However, this is far from the truth. Asian Americans are not immune to the consequences of racial discrimination and other forms of …show more content…

Because of the rapid rate as to how fast the AAPI is growing in the United States, the communication and trust of healthcare professionals in the AAPI community has never been more important (Ko Chin, 2017). Further research and healthcare practices to best serve the AAPI population is key to promoting the best physical and mental health possible. To alleviate substance and drug abuse, particularly in Asian Americans, the creation of programs that have the competency to handle people from all cultural backgrounds (Resnicow, 2000). Sabato (2016) also suggests that supportive health services and clinical environments that embrace the diversity of Asian and Pacific Islander culture, language, and beliefs would benefit wellness efforts in Asian American

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