
Models amd Stages of Memory Essay

Decent Essays

In order to understand what memory is one can start by understanding the opposite of it which is known as the condition named amnesia. Amnesia is the incapability and failure to recollect information which previously was stored in ones memory (Evans, 1979). If that is the case then memory must be the capability to process information in order to recollect it as data remains maintained (Maltin, 2005). Ideally psychologists have believes that memory consist of three aspects, these basic stages collaborate when an event is recalled. These stages which are being outline are the encoding, storage and retrieval stages of memory (Ghoneim, 2001). The three stages work in turns in order to collect information and situate it together to create the …show more content…

One of their main arguments was that information is processed in three different ways including the structural processing, phonemic processing and semantic processing. So, how do these processes work? Structural processing and phonemic processing are both division found within the shallow process. Shallow processing simply implicates the maintenance through rehearsal which heads towards ones short term maintenance of information as repetition helps and individual hold data in the STM, which is the only rehearsal that happens within the multi store model. The shallow form of processing information can be seen as just physical where one looks at information, when one is looking at how the information sounds like it is known as phonetics which is still part of shallow processing (Li, 2010).
Now, deep processing on the other hand involves elaboration rehearsal. This is a more meaningful analysis as it involve; images, thinking, associations of information and so on, which leads to better recollection. And this is where semantic processing comes in, this is the happening of when one encodes the meaning of a word and relate it back to similar words consisting similar meaning as a word is giving a meaning or linking to previous knowledge (Surprenant and Neath, 2013).

Craik and Tulving (1975) conducted an experiment with participants who were made to believe that the test which was taken was to aid the finding to test for ones reaction times. However

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