
Modern Day Allegory Of The Cave

Decent Essays

Smart Phones, Modern Day Openings in Plato’s Cave At the time Plato authored the “Allegory of the Cave”, the idea of electronic devices was not realized. However, many of the story’s messages can be seen throughout the daily lives of humans everywhere. As time past and innovation began, technology became man’s best-friend, now to the point where it now provides us a platform to learn, connect and become inspired in ways not possible a mere century ago. Two large components taken from Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” is the ideas of seeing and thinking, where one can be attained without the other. In modern day, humans are able to further both seeing and thinking, though, it may increase the use of seeing more than thinking. Recently, Apple released …show more content…

However, since its inception, the demographics that mobile devices are sold to is not narrow. The use of electronic devices is useful in all walks of life, as seen through the FaceTime “Smile” commercial by Apple Inc., directed by Sam Mendes. The minute-long commercial featured 5 mini-story vignettes featuring families from backgrounds and all age categories. Throughout the advertisement, the viewer sees how the FaceTime capability is able to connect on family member with another, opening up their span for communication. This capability further affirms the ideal that smart phones are “Cave” openings for humans to see and think further. In the advertisement ‘seeing’ further is more apparent than thinking, as each family member was able to see further beyond what is actually in front of them. This allows each family to stay connect, share thoughts and live life as though each member was in the same room together. Smart phones go beyond communication with applications such as FaceTime, it is a medium to express each other’s lives and views through social media platforms. Again, allowing each user to see further that was once possible, bridging the gap between what people see in their immediate surroundings, and what they can see from the screens on their phones. This resonates to each persons curiosity and the usage …show more content…

Phones are mediums of learning new knowledge through the internet, social media and news applications. Users are able to hone in on real-time information, as it is unfolding without having to wait for “the real story” on news outlets. This allows users to make judgements and form opinions for themselves, and also posting such views on social media to compare and discuss the issues at hand. Applications such as FaceTime, as seen through Sam Mendes “Smile” commercial for Apple, allows viewers to see the powerful communication tools that are able to be used to connect with family members however far away they might be. Though the smart phone is the medium for displaying such applications, without the technology that Apple and other technology companies have created, humans would not be as knowledgable and insightful as they are now. Without the smart phone, humans would not be able to see further and think deeper, humans would be a similar representation of the chained prisoners in the cave, having to believe that what is being portrayed as real is in fact,

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