
Modesto Bee Research Paper

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The Modesto Bee is a California daily paper, established in 1884 as the Daily Evening News and distributed constantly as a day by day under an assortment of names. Preceding its buy by Charles K. McClatchy and McClatchy Newspapers in 1924, it converged around the same time with the Modesto News-Herald, embracing that name as a major aspect of a combination. In 1933 it changed its name to the Modesto Bee and News-Herald, and in 1975 truncated the name on its masthead to the Modesto Bee. Its present proprietor, is the relative firm, McClatchy Company, an American daily paper organization. The Modesto Bee has around 150 workers and is conveyed all through focal California, coming to places, for example, Manteca, Merced, Patterson and Sonora.

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