
Module 2 : Thinking Like A Historian

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Module Two: Thinking like a Historian Part One Compare the views of these two scholars by answering the following questions. Be sure to find specific examples in the selections to support your answers. 1.) What issues that surround Latino immigration to America does each author address? Dr. Jason Richwine discusses the Latino’s absorption and integration into the American culture. He compares the Latino nation with other countries’ immigrants that has rose out of poverty, while the Hispanics have not been rising up out of the lower class after several generations have passed. Richwine mentions that American prejudice might be influencing the Hispanic immigrants not striving. For example, he states, that “popular explanations from the …show more content…

Southwest.” 2.) What comparisons does each author make to historical immigration groups? Richwine compares the Hispanics with Irish, Italian, or Poles immigrants. He points out how the Hispanics are different from these other immigrant groups, by not being able to better themselves in society. He compares them by saying “people used to say the Irish or the Poles would always be poor, but look at them today! For Hispanics, we are led to believe, the same thing will happen. But that claim isn’t true.” Compared to other groups, the Hispanic immigrants do not rise out of the lower class. Chavez uses the “Latino Threat Narrative” to compare the Hispanics to the “German language threat, the Catholic threat, the Chinese and Japanese language threat, and the southern and eastern European threats.” He suggests that “each was pervasive and defined “truths” about the threat posed by immigrants that, in hindsight, were unjustified or never materialized in the long run of history.” Chavez was trying to explain that the Hispanic would pattern these other threats by upsetting the America people. He states that “… the Latino Threat Narrative is part of a grand tradition of alarmist discourse about immigrants and their perceived negative impacts on society.” 3.) In what ways might these authors respond to each other’s work? Both authors would

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