
Money and Success, Who Wins Essay example

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Great Expectations is the story of a young boy. He is quite poor, but as the tale moves on, he falls in love with a rich and spoiled girl. Despite her cruel ways, he devotes the rest of his life to winning her over. He aspires to become a gentleman with the aid of bundles of money that he inherits and sees this as the only way out of the common life he is leading. The boy connects success and happiness solely with money and possessions. Unfortunately, the association leads to the downfall of his character. This is the path taken by too many individuals in today's society. Although they make a correlation between money and success, this connection is substantially unjustified. It results in the disillusions of …show more content…

They have no idea that incredible talent might be present within the minds of the people down the street. Their success has not just sprung up from their wealth and riches. They have, perhaps, earned every bit of their beautiful house, cars, and other possessions that are so desired among observers.
A definition of success should be established before going on. Success is defined as the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. If someone only desires material possessions, then, if achieved, they have reached success. This kind of success alone will not produce happiness in the lives of these people. The majority of individuals in our world aim for success through happiness, health, and prosperity. Aspirations to a money-related success are not likely to produce these valued possessions. Only in the world of television, advertisements, and movies, is that kind of life possible. The media is a prominent cause of people believing that money is the key to success. Fairy tale-type stories often present people as suddenly becoming happy and successful as the result of coming into a lot of money, perhaps by luck. One example of this is in advertisements. Their main catch is to show people who are using, or have used, their products. The aim is to make the consumer believe that if you use whatever it is that they are trying to sell, then you will be

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