Religious thinkers usually believe that their religion is superior or correct when compared to others. To some this may be true, but to others not so much. In the world, there are many types of polytheistic religions and monotheistic religions. Most religions are similar, but yet, so different. The Islamic God. The Christian God. The Jewish God. Which is superior?
In the Torah, the sacred text of the Jewish religion, and the Old Testament, the sacred text of the Christianity religion, both state the same verse that is very probable to raise questions. “Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is just like you-majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” (Exodus 15:11 (NIV)). This quote reflects the question, “Which is superior?”,
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Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone.”- Chapter 112 in the sacred text of the Islam, the Koran. In this quote, it is stating that the Muhammad God is superincumbent to anyone else.
“Your Gods and my Gods- do you or I know which are stronger?”- Rudyard Kipling -The Mark of the Beast. In this quote, Kipling is stating that religious believers do not know which Gods or Goddess are stronger. Believers also do not know if Kipling means stronger as in physically or mentally.
The three mentioned above quotes both have many similarities and differences. Some similarities include all of them stating that one god is superior to one another, but yet we , as religious believers, do not have proven facts that which god is the absolute strongest. All that believers have are personal beliefs. Another similarity is that all quotes, except Kipling’s, can be cited in a sacred text. Although, these quotes have many things in common, each one still has many differences. One difference would include the version of the stories the quote is cited from. Some people consider the stories to be like “Matthew”, “Mark”, “Luke” , and ”John’ Another difference would be from the Koran. This is a difference because unlike the other mentioned quotes it states the god’s
Originated in eastern Mediterranean throughout the life of Jesus Christ, in addition to it becoming the major religion of the Roman Empire by the end of the 4th century
God is “something than which no greater being can be thought”. 2. “Something than which no greater being can be thought” is able to exist in understanding and thought. 3. It is greater to exist in reality than to simply exist in thought.
This week our class has been learning about three major monotheistic religions. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have a lot of things in common with each other, but they also have their differences. So I am going to tell you what those differences are, and also what they have that is alike. So get ready to learn about the religions that pretty much take over the world.
Muslims believe that God is the all-powerful Creator of a perfect, ordered universe. He is transcendent and not a part of his creation, and is most often referred to in terms and with names that emphasize his majesty and superiority. Among the 99 Beautiful Names of God (Asma al-Husna) in the Qur'an are: the Creator, the Fashioner, the Life-Giver, the Provider, the Opener, the Bestower, the Prevailer, the Reckoner, the Recorder, the King of Kingship and the Lord of the Worlds.
The three most practiced monotheistic religions- Christianity, Judaism, and Islam- share a belief in one singular God. Each have many similarities -like believing in one God and following sacred texts- as well as differences, such as different holidays and rituals. Although these three religions share similarities, there are more differences between them. Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ through the holy book called the Bible.
“God is the sole deity worshipped in the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam” (García, 2015). According to the Christian worldview, God is one being who exists eternally as three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ, who is fully man and fully God), and the Holy Spirit (Merrick 2014). God is the sovereign creator of all that there is. “Because God created and sustains all things, He alone is worthy of worship and praise” (Scripture and biblical passage support the history of the creation of the universe, in accordance to the Christian worldview. “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth” and all living things, including humans (Genesis 1:1). Mankind is His highest creation perfected in Him (“Lecture 2,” 2015). We as humans were made in the image of God, so that we may bear the attributes He has. God is indescribable, but at the same time
In what ways is the Holy land an essential site for all three monotheistic Faiths? All three faiths say that Jerusalem was a holy city. For Islam, Jerusalem was where the prophet Muhammed rose to heaven. For Christianity, Jerusalem is the city where Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead. For Judaism, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Each religion has a place that call for practicing same basic ritual worships (although differently in the rituals) as praying, fasting, and etc. The Jews had the second Temple of Jerusalem, where daily prayers are recited and other Jewish rituals are performed. The Christians had the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where it was once a place where Jesus was crucified. The Muslim have the Kaaba, where they
Despite the fact that Christianity and Islam are more similar than Judaism, they all believe that their vision of God is stronger. All three religions agree with the idea that there is only one God, also known as monotheism. Christians believe that God exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christians view Jesus Christ as the second the trinity who was born of the Virgin Mary. He was also known for being the reconcile man of God through his death as a sacrifice for the sin of all mankind.
Palestine has a long history of being ruled by different empires, all of which followed different religions. Its culture has been exposed to the influence of the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Ottomans and a few others. It is in the heart of the Middle East and it houses the three major monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; Judaism being one of the oldest religions, dating as far back as 2000 BCE in Canaan. Christianity, which then took into Judaism’s steps spread more vigorously and was more recently “recognized in New Testament studies” (Yencich 120). Then many years later came Islam, which had its own peak as well. These three monotheistic religions seem to echo each other’s tales, ideals, and values. The conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis over this Holy Land has been going on for years.
Judaism and Christianity may be completely different religions, but they along with many differences there are many similarities between the religions. Religions may vary from culture to culture, but mostly all are based on the same principle; that there is something greater than us that we all should believe in. Being that this is such a widespread belief, you would think that all religions would have some kind of common ground especially when it comes to two of the oldest and most significant religions in existence today. Judaism and Christianity are two of the more universally practiced religions today. They are both rooted in their
Muhammad: Some of the basic beliefs in my religion are believing in only one god and having an afterlife. My religion does not share some beliefs with the other two such as recognizing me as a prophet of god.
Your God is One God; there is no god but He, the Compassionate, the Merciful. [2:163]
Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are some of the religions that most individuals can relate to, being the three largest religions in the world. Like many religions they share many differences and also some similarities. One difference that these religions hold is their view of Jesus Christ. Similarities are surprisingly common to find among some religions because of the basis they put on one another. Some similarities between these religions include: belief of monotheism and the influence of Zoroastrianism had on each religion. Also another similarity carried out by these three religions would be the significance of Abraham. Some other differences include: religious texts and also how they approach God in prayer.
The first source to which Christian theology looks for it's teaching is the New Testament. It is the New Testament, which unfolds the divine plan introduced in the Old, and it is by the New Testament revelation that the Old Testament revelation is interpreted. For this reason all Christians theologians have made the New Testament their primary source for data in constructing views of God and His relation to the world. We must place all theology in context. As the Old Testament affirms, God is incomparable. Isaiah writes that we dare not make our God out of gold, or carry the divine around in a neat package to sit here or stand there. God reminds Israel, and all peoples, that "I am God and there is no other, I am God and there is none like me."
In scrutinizing the religions that hold the monotheistic tradition, similarities and differences can be found. The monotheistic religions include Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. This essay will address commonalities and dissimilarities looking at four main concepts.