
Monotheistic Religions

Decent Essays

Religious thinkers usually believe that their religion is superior or correct when compared to others. To some this may be true, but to others not so much. In the world, there are many types of polytheistic religions and monotheistic religions. Most religions are similar, but yet, so different. The Islamic God. The Christian God. The Jewish God. Which is superior?
In the Torah, the sacred text of the Jewish religion, and the Old Testament, the sacred text of the Christianity religion, both state the same verse that is very probable to raise questions. “Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is just like you-majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” (Exodus 15:11 (NIV)). This quote reflects the question, “Which is superior?”, …show more content…

Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone.”- Chapter 112 in the sacred text of the Islam, the Koran. In this quote, it is stating that the Muhammad God is superincumbent to anyone else.
“Your Gods and my Gods- do you or I know which are stronger?”- Rudyard Kipling -The Mark of the Beast. In this quote, Kipling is stating that religious believers do not know which Gods or Goddess are stronger. Believers also do not know if Kipling means stronger as in physically or mentally.
The three mentioned above quotes both have many similarities and differences. Some similarities include all of them stating that one god is superior to one another, but yet we , as religious believers, do not have proven facts that which god is the absolute strongest. All that believers have are personal beliefs. Another similarity is that all quotes, except Kipling’s, can be cited in a sacred text. Although, these quotes have many things in common, each one still has many differences. One difference would include the version of the stories the quote is cited from. Some people consider the stories to be like “Matthew”, “Mark”, “Luke” , and ”John’ Another difference would be from the Koran. This is a difference because unlike the other mentioned quotes it states the god’s

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