
Monsanto Vs Gmo

Decent Essays

Organic Foods vs GMOs
Over the years there has been a lot of controversy about genetically modified organisms also known as GMOs in our food. GMOs was created by scientist to create more food for the world but has backfired creating infertility in women, illnesses like cancer, or autoimmune diseases. Organic food may be expensive but has many benefits like having a healthier life or just feeling better in general. Monsanto is the leading producer of GMOs and that is why many people are against them. The question is what is GMOs exactly? GMOs are made in a lab, where the DNA of species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. Monsanto is one of the largest companies that make GMOs, their mostly …show more content…

(Siedler 3)The results were terrifying after a short period of time the rats that ate the GMOs started growing very large tumors and had kidney/liver failure. With this experiment being done we now know over the years of eating GMOs can cause harm to the human body. Some people with cancer have lived longer than expected because they have changed their life to all organic products. My boyfriends grandma was one to experience more life than expected by doctors when she was diagnosed with stage three pancreatic cancer and was given only a couple months to live. Her daughters insisted she changed her lifestyle of not healthy foods to all organic products,because they weren’t ready to lose their mom. She changed everything like; foods, soaps,and all natural medicines. My aunt was another to experience how great organic foods can be when she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. She became very limited to the foods that she could eat because it could potentially make her more sick if she ate them and she would start to lose weight. She can’t eat gluten, or dairy so she has a very strict diet, when she changed her diet to all organic meals she says that she felt so much better and felt like she had so much more energy than she's ever had …show more content…

The cost, productivity, time, skill, and spoilage of the food play a major part on the decision of buying organic foods. The biggest disadvantage to organic food is that it’s so expensive. “Anything that makes fruits and vegetables more expensive may increase cancer.”(blogactive 1) The USDA organic certification and labeling have very strict rules therefore it makes growing organic crops harder. The USDA method is very different than conventional industry farming methods. The increase in popularity in organic foods makes bigger farms and we will use a lot more fossil fuels and other resources. Another reason some families don't want organic food besides the fact it’s expensive, is it spoils faster. In the USDA no preservatives are a requirement therefore organic food spoils faster. This can cause a problem for consumers and in stores because the food is usually transported a significant distance. If the cost of organic products became less expensive people would realize organic is better. Therefore the popularity will grow and there will be a higher demand. The price will lower making organic food affordable and the productivity will

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