Month 12-Professional Practice In month 12, finally at the finish line and accomplished all the goals since month 1 of the Mastery course through learning creativity, research, and logical reasoning. However, these skills still apply within this course. The three takeaways from this course that I learned was ethics and moral reasoning, copyrighting, and creating the experience map. Ethics and Moral Reasoning My first takeaway was ethics and moral reasoning. Ethics can be defined as a standard to determine whether its right or wrong based on belief. In contrast, moral reasoning or morality can refer to as customs and practices of an individual or a social group (Satyanarayana, 2009). Similarly, both ethics and morality can be based on …show more content…
Experience mapping can help visualize a compelling story and supports new courses of action (n.d., 2013). Also, by researching can play an important role in finding answers and creating the structure of the experience map. In fact, the three building blocks that make up the experience map are Doing, Thinking, and Feeling. In constructing the sticky-notes for the draft, I chose to organize them by color, pink, green and yellow to give an organized appearance and distinguish which connects to each semester within the building blocks for the diagram. After the sticky notes and sketches were organized, my first idea was using running bunnies going up and down determining the highs and lows of my experience in the program. In effect, I wasn’t sure that the theme of running bunnies could tell my visual story. Through re-sketching and looking at my sticky notes, my second idea was creating a female going on her way towards her academic journey. The mountain represented the diagram that was easier to understand the highs and lows of my academic journey. Overall, the design captured the story accurately through imagery, which was the most outstanding triumph of this course. By turning a map into a compelling visual story means thinking through both the completed work and the work that was inspired (n.d.,
The thought of professionalism conjures up many ideas, and possibly pre-conceived judgements. These will not always be classed as positive or negative, but will undoubtedly have a profound effect on the way you are perceived in your area of work or chosen profession.
There are two main measures of medical underservice in the U.S., health professional shortage areas and medically underserved areas and some special need populations. Both measures require communities to apply for designation. These designations allow the government to target resources to those determined to be most in need (Colwill and Cultice, 2003).
1. Briefly explain how the CIPD HR Profession Map defines the HR profession, including the professional areas, the bands and the behaviours.
For the purpose of this essay, I will discuss the case of a five years old patient presenting to my place of work with the symptom of shortness of breath (SOB). To maintain confidentiality the pseudonym “Ryan” will be used to refer to the child and Ryan’s mother will be frequently referred to as “mum”.
My first encounter with a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesia (CRNA) was during my undergraduate nursing OB/GYN rotation. I was impressed with the CRNA when she placed the epidural to the patient in labor. I remembered patient had difficulty staying still due to the contraction, but the CRNA took her time to explain the procedure while comforting the distressed patient. Once the epidural was in placed and the medication started working, I could tell the relief the patient experienced. I realized then that a CRNA goes beyond the delivery of anesthesia, pain management and monitoring of patients. Thus, obtaining this degree will prepare me to ease the patient’s mind through education, pain management, monitoring, experience and compassion.
Through teacher-led research, the findings which are generated through the gathered evidence for these enquiries can be employed by policy-makers and other governmental bodies in order to inform the production of new educational policies that are “evidence-supported” and not “evidence-based”, as all evidence must always be analysed carefully in order to avoid occurring in biased results (Pollard, 2014, online), and have a relevance within a classroom setting.
The role of a family nurse practitioner is a fundamental portion of the future of healthcare. The role is clearly not as understood by other healthcare professionals as needed which results in the disagreement if the role of a family nurse practitioner is even required for primary care. As people are getting older, the need for medical professionals that can provide patient care to our ever growing population increases. The need for the role of family nurse practitioners will grow too. The role of the family nurse practitioner, the ability of the FNP to be able to transition into their role.
This piece of essay on critical professional biography will among other things, state the meaning of a professional biography, purpose of my professional biography, discuss my entry into the field of nursing, examination of my career pathway in relation to Nursing and Midwifery Council`s domains of Competency Framework-professional values, communication and interpersonal skills, nursing practice and decision-making, leadership management and team-working. I will also discuss my professional development plan, what to improve on in my current role and the lessons learnt from the Critically Exploring Professional
This was by far the most challenging course that I have encountered while obtaining my Master’s Degree in Educational Technology from UCMO. That is not a negative comment as this course has actually impacted me professionally more than any other course I’ve taken to date. This course has taken more time to complete the assignments, more of my attention to detail, and more of my creativity. The last point was the best part about this course. I consider myself to be fairly creative and this course definitely allowed me to do that while bringing my somewhat odd personality to a professional forum. For this I am grateful. Let’s get to the good stuff, shall we?
Both these professions expect the same high standards when it comes to education and training. Nursing and Social Work both have requirements for continued professional development and lifelong learning. It is essential that Nurses and Social workers keep a record of their training throughout their careers.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines professionalism as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. Yet the White Paper on Pharmacy Student Professionalism says it is displaying values, beliefs and attitudes that put the needs of another about your personal needs. There is still another definition. The Medical Professionalism Project says professionalism is the basis of medicine's contract with society. It demands placing the interests of patients above those of the physician, setting and maintaining standards of competence and integrity, and providing expert advice to society on matters of health. In my opinion, a person's attitude, values, and behaviors
"Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong." "Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs." "Being ethical is doing what the law requires." "Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society accepts." "I don 't know what the word means." (“What is Ethics" Issues in Ethics IIE V1 N1 Fall 1987)
Professionalism is an adherence to a set of values comprising both a formally agreed-upon code of conduct and the informal expectations of colleagues, clients and society. The key values include acting in a patient's interest, responsiveness to the health needs of society, maintaining the highest standards of excellence in the practice of medicine and in the generation and dissemination of knowledge. In addition to medical knowledge and skills, medical professionals should present psychosocial and humanistic qualities such as caring, empathy, humility and compassion, as well as social responsibility and sensitivity to people's culture and beliefs. All these qualities are expected of members of highly trained professions.
Clinical practice guidelines (CPG) are designed to improve the quality of healthcare services, decrease unwanted, ineffective and harmful interventions for patients. CPG are used to facilitate treatments for each individual patient’s by maximizing the benefits, minimizing the risk of harm and obtain treatment with an acceptable cost. Researchers had proven that CPG is a bridge for change and improving health outcomes. The effectiveness of CPG is perceived to be helpful in clinical decision making. CPG are developed to assist healthcare providers such as doctors and nurses in decision making for specific clinical outcomes (Vlayen, et. al. 2005)
Professionalism can be defined as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.”(Merriam-webster) My interpretation of this definition is that professionalism is a standard that we must hold ourselves accountable to in order to provide the best service. How do we get from a basic understanding of this definition, to practicing and applying professionalism? Major attributes that lead to professionalism can include accountability, communication and reflective practice. Reflective practice in the healthcare system is when “practitioners engage in a continuous cycle of self-observation and self evaluation in order to understand their own actions and the reactions they prompt in themselves” (becoming a better university teacher…). In the day-to-day life, everyone performs a type of reflection whether it is by unconscious thought or by habit. When it is unintentional it is hard to learn and grow from the knowledge that can potentially be gained. Therefore we need to find a way to effectively incorporate reflective practice into our daily lives, especially as radiation therapy students.