
Most Important Accomplishments

Decent Essays

Throughout my career when I've been asked about the biggest accomplishments I'll often say that I wished I'd acted on the important things faster.

The importance of taking action on the things that are most important is an element I wish I'd grasped hold of earlier in my career. Just think, what would my life be like if I was taking the action 10 years ago, that I'm taking today? If I only had that level of confidence and determinism. You'd not only be 10 years ahead... you'd have exceptionally grown your business and character by having more experiences.

In today's fast paced lifestyles it's so important to keep the first things first. There is no time for delays and very little time for long deliberation before making a decision to act. …show more content…

The digital world means that you'll often feel that you're not directly connected to your market/clients. It can give the illusion of detachment and lead to longer delays. But beware! The world keeps spinning, while you delay, others are taking action and filling the gaps in the market. They're getting a head start on the projects you're considering right now!

An example is a small market I considered a business around. I told a friend about it and we both knocked a few ideas around. I did in fact build a small free website, and did a little market test using the name. I didn't follow through (read: I didn't take massive action and get results!) and years later I see the fellow I first conversed with about the project is now successfully running a different business (but with the same/similar name) that's very similar to that which I designed.

Don't delay, get your ideas straight, and get them on paper. Make some solid action steps toward achieving some results. A small market test is often the best way to go. Then DO them. This is the key. You absolutely must take action for you to be able to judge whether or not you'll get anywhere in the market.

This is especially true in a sales/marketing situation. You've got to ask the tough questions if you're going to get results. Take your time, delay, and someone else will close the

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