
Most Important Muslim Innovations

Decent Essays

One, two, three, four, five without Muslims we wouldn’t even know numbers existed. We have so much to thank them for because most of the things we use today in the United States were made by Muslims. The most important Muslim innovations that changed the world today are geography, anatomy, and health. One of the best innovations Muslims have created was health. Health was one of the best innovations because without health most of the population of people would be gone because disease would kill them off. In the article it say” The encyclopedia covered many disease and treatments known at the time”. The article also says” hospitals were built throughout Arab Muslim time, Muslims built hospitals in separate areas for people with certain disease”. Without medicine and disease millions of people would be gone in our world today. Although some people might say that even if muslims would have never made hospitals or medicine we would still survive from disease. In the article it says”Skilled Muslims doctors performed difficult operations,including cancer and brain surgeries”. Through that whole …show more content…

Anatomy was one of the best innovations because without the thinking of anatomy we wouldn't even been thought of we would never know how we go here or what was yet to come, we would never know the interesting things about the earth if it wasn’t for anatomy. The article says “ Scientists used anatomy to improve their understanding of time, which let them build better clocks. The article also say that “ They created charts that showed the positions of stars and planets. Although some may say that Anatomy help pretty much a lot when talking about Earth’s history others may say that Anatomy had nothing to do with it. The article says “Many Muslims cities had observatories”. With that that means that they probably had other things they used to discover Earth’s interests and

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