
Mother And My Mothers : The Inheritance Of Motherhood

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The Inheritance of Motherhood I have been very fortunate to have good relationships with both my mother and my grandmother. They are two very strong and independent women who have shaped me to have this same exact mindset and attitude. I have always been very close to my grandmother, Donna Smith, after she took part in raising my brother and I when our parents divorced, so I felt comfortable interviewing her and asking her about topics that would be more difficult to talk through with strangers. She was born and raised in the 1950’s and 1960’s in Port Huron, Michigan. Her childhood was different than most people’s at the time, due to the number of children in her family and the fact that her parents did not follow the typical gender roles. She went on to marry and have children at a young age, like most women during the 60’s. She ended up working as a medical biller for decades before retiring. Although this chronology of events is similar to those of the same generation, it was very interesting to evaluate how certain aspects of her life evolved and came together to make her a distinct individual. However, there are some topics that I was nervous to ask her about or did not know how to approach. Using both what she did and did not say, I was able to determine how her relationship with her own mother, the responsibilities and expectations placed on her during her adolescence, and her decision to marry and have children early affected her choices as a mom and her beliefs on

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