
Motivation In The Movie Maverick

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#1.) In the video clip “Maverick” (1994), the key characteristic of classical Hollywood illustrated is, motivation. This is seen when the main character shows a lot of interest in assisting a poker game and is willing to go through great lengths just to go to the game. There is a couple of examples of how he shows his motivation. One is, when he is seen traveling on a donkey because his horse got stolen. Secondly, he is traveling on a donkey, having four days left to get there. Thirdly, he is traveling being $3,000 short for the entrance fee to the game. Additionally, the path that he has to travel seems dangerous, considering it’s a dessert. Lastly, he even says, “no way in hell I was going to miss that game” Maverick (1994). All his actions where clearly because of his motivation. The function of this scenario in the overall narrative of the film was to identify with the protagonist reaching his main goal. In the beginning scene, the protagonist was immediately introduced and portrayed as the good guy. This was seen when that he gets into danger while trying to reach his goal. It shows that the main character will have to go through a number of chain of event to get to the main goal, including overcoming danger. The scenario put in question if the main character was going to be able to attend the poker game. The scene where he is left alone almost dangling from a tree with his horse and a snake, put into question will and how will he accomplish his goal.
#2.) Some typical characteristics associated with depictions of masculinity in Hollywood are being virile, active, physically aggressive, emotions suppressed, sexually desired by woman, powerful, and hero’s. They are expected to, “…measure up to impossible cultural ideals of autonomy, mastery, and self-control, even though these ideals may be sugar coated with notions of love, creativity, wisdom and community” (Gender and Masculinity pg.368). In the trailer “Taken” (2008), a number of characteristics are demonstrated like; “notions of love” and wisdom, acts of heroism, physical aggression, measuring up to the seemingly impossible, being powerful, and strong. In the beginning, we can see the reasoning of why the protagonist becomes a hero. His masculine

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