
Mount Rushmore: The Jacksonian Democracy

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Mount Rushmore is a mountain located in South Dakota, which features the faces of some of the most influential and important people in the history of our nation. These people include George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Thomas Jefferson. However, one president who contributed much during his presidency is Andrew Johnson. When the name, Andrew Jackson is brought up the typical reaction is the man who did the trail of tears. Although these actions were not favorable for most in this situation, he has done more for the country during his presidency than just that. His reign as president is known as the Jacksonian Democracy because of his contributions to modern democracy. He attempted in many ways to benefit the common man through reforms. The actions he took as president caused for the power of the president to be increased, and for the …show more content…

When running Jackson founded the party called American Democracy. His party stood for an unintrusive government, and his personal mission was to give more power to the common man. He took power away from congress to do so. The national bank system was put in place by Alexander Hamilton during Washington’s presidency. When Jackson took office he chose to create pet banks. These were small privately owned banks that were not regulated by the government, which took power away from the government and put it into the hands of the common man. This gave them jobs and made it their responsibility to keep up with the money that was being put into them.The intentions that Jackson had for the middle and working class were good ones that he struggled to

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