
Movie Analysis: 'Whites And African-Americans As Represented In The Film'

Decent Essays

In this film they depict the melting pot in the United States. The movie itself was filled with racism it clearly discriminated against whites and African-Americans in a different perspective showing that all whites and African Americans have a simulate basis to all anti-immigrants and Hispanics. Most American citizens are against illegals immigration and most of the Americans don't approve of illegal immigrants jumping over to their country illegally being rewarded for their “criminal behavior” with jobs, medicare, and food stamps. In the film they try to imply that Mexico is not a poor country, who supposedly has the fifth richest economy in the world. Americans wonder why taxpayers should be even helping out Mexicans.
In the movie there is scene where Lila is given the job as a newscaster because she was assumed to be Hispanic. If Lila wasn't Hispanic they probably would have never …show more content…

For example, The Mexican maid who works for the wealthy white senator. The maid takes care of all his household chores and maintains the family from falling apart. In the film you it shows the different roles between the dominant people versus the ones experiencing the shame. The intercommunication between the two groups shows the audience how the Mexicans are made smaller to only being viewed as cheap laborers, robbers, and illegal aliens, when in reality they way more to offer.
Political power is at work here! political power is defined as an ability of a given group to exercise their will and accomplish results in politics. Latinos are the largest minority group in the United States and in the movie the director increases the Latinos political power in California when all the Mexicans disappear mysteriously. Mexican and Latinos are minorities who stereotypical jobs and different values. Mexicans in America make a difference and their actions make us the country we are, but are just as human as anybody else.

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