
Movie Reaction Paper

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“The Proposal “Movie Reaction Paper

The Proposal is one of those "Laugh-Out-Loud Funny" movies. Showing the typical boss to coworker relationship, this movie brings out all the conflicts in everyday life, and shows how two people who hated each other fell in love. The Proposal also shows the watchers very important keys to communication. In this movie, there are times of impression management and selective perception, self-disclosure, assertiveness and compliance gaining, and lots of conflict. The two main characters in this movie is Sandra Bullock, starring as "Margaret", and Ryan Reynolds, starring as "Andrew”. Margaret is a very professional, yet demanding editor that tends to really intimidate everyone else around her at her work …show more content…

Margaret shows a great example of self-disclosure in this movie. Self-disclosure is the sharing of your own biographical data, personal ideas, and feelings. As Margaret was in the house earlier the second day, she had noticed that Andrew and his father were in a big fight. Before Margaret fell asleep that night, she decided to ask Andrew what the issue was between the two of them. Because Margaret wouldn’t tell about him about her tattoo the previous day, Andrew felt uncomfortable disclosing his information to her, and told her goodnight. Margaret then thought over everything and decided to provide self-disclosure for Andrew. She began with “I like the psychic network” and her disclosure grew wider and wider with thoughts and feelings. With Andrew completely quiet the entire time of herself disclosure, she finally ends it with, “and the bird tattoo-their swallows. I got them when I was sixteen after my parents died”. Andrew was quiet at first, but then opened up to Margaret more than he had the entire movie. They began singing and laughing and both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. According to the communication privacy management theory, we all each have our own rules and guidelines that guide our choices to disclosing our personal information to others. After living with Andrew and his family for nearly two days, Margaret builds herself up more to opening up to him. When she then finds out about his own

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