
Mr Baker Case Study

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When asked how the military has affected how he lives his everyday life, Mr. Baker responded that he has become regimented, he gets up early, and his impulse to train physically remains. By analyzing how he goes about his life, the conclusion that his ordinary world is in Fort MCclellan was made. He went every day by going to classes such as military justice, map reading, weapons, first aid, and basic skills; and then participated in field training. After training, Mr. Baker was assigned to cross the threshold into Germany. In Germany he was assigned to be a Military Policeman, in charge of law enforcement and battlefield circulation, and was placed on a drug suppression team as a military police investigator for misdemeanor. Mr. Baker …show more content…

The first year he continued his guarding in executive protection, but for the second year he was assigned to a task force that was investigating public corruption in the Iraq theater. In his third recall from the reserves, Mr. Baker was the Army’s Principal Investigator on a task force investigating $3.2 million in bribes for bottled water contracts in Kuwait. Not too long after was his fourth recall, when he had to appear in the trial for the major receiving the bribes for the bottled water contracts in a court in Alabama. Sergeant Baker’s most recent deployment was to Afghanistan just last year. He was placed in a leadership position of a unit deployed with fifty-three people, forty of which were investigators who were responsible for felony investigations in nineteen countries throughout the middle-east (including Afghanistan and Iraq). Mr. Baker focused on the administrative side during this deployment as he met with senior advisors to ensure they were providing the proper service, he attended to administrative unit matters, as Sergeant Major Baker was the senior advisor in the theater. Sergeant Baker saw combat while moving from base to base in his last deployment, and also occasionally while on executive protection in hostile countries such as

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