
Mr Obama's Chance To Show Mercy

Decent Essays

The Editorial Board of the New York Times published an article, “Mr. Obama’s Chance to Show Mercy,” in response to President Obama’s last weeks in office and the need for immediate action to ensure a measure of justice for those in prison. Once Barack Obama won the presidential election, he treated pardons and commute sentences as an afterthought. With thousands of men and women enduring unjust criminal sentences, President Obama finally highlights the issue by directing the Justice Department to review cases of those in prison. Overall, the Editorial Board uses statistics, stylistic language, and an emotional tone to emphasize the need for a new approach in granting pardons for people in the United States in these momentous last weeks.
The Editorial Board utilizes statistics to emphasize that granting pardons to those in prison is necessary to diminish the staggering numbers in the prison population. President Obama collaborates with the Justice Department to reduce those in prison by reviewing cases repeatedly. According to the article, “Mr. Obama has now shortened or ended the sentences of more than 1,000 prisoners.” However, many inmates deserve to be released, and …show more content…

Obama’s Chance to Show Mercy,” is an informal article in which the Editorial Board urges President Obama to grant pardons and commute sentences to those in prison. Presidential clemency is meant to be an instrument of wisdom and compassion. The Editorial Board emphasizes the need for amnesty of those imprisoned before Obama’s administration. He seems intent on addressing the sentencing inequities and excesses of the 1990s. Obama’s flurry of commutations shows his admirable and merciful nature in office. However, his rush of late communications suggests the process now operates in a less orderly way. Even though Obama’s motive is acceptable, the late communications depict the unstructured government. In summation, Obama’s last weeks in office will determine the mercy for thousands of

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