
Mr Ottaviano Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Around 10 pm Mr.Robert Ottaviano complains he wants to go to bed and he is waiting for Anna (CNA). Mr Ottaviano said to me he will go to his room to watch sport TV. Around 10:30 pm Mr. Ottaviano become very angry and starts going back and forth Yelling and staff. Anna was busy with another resident at that time, but she stated she offer Mr. Ottaviano assistance to bed around 9:30 pm and he refused. Mr. Ottaviano was very angry and aggressive and verbally abusive to 3-11 staff. Mr. Ottaviano was yelling and threatening staff. As soon as night shift staffs arrive to the floor I told them to assist Mr. Ottaviano to bed. Mr. Ottaviano refused. He was very load and disrespectful to night shift staff. Threatening to report everyone, I tried to

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