
Personal Statement On Massage Green Spa

Decent Essays

Three days before I voluntarily resigned my position from Massage Green Spa, there was an incident that took place, which resulted in my lack of trust from the organization. When I was working for Massage Green Spa, I usually was one of the therapists that close on Sunday nights. Forty-five minutes prior to closing, I did not have a massage scheduled, so I decided to clean the bathrooms in preparation for closing. Halfway through the cleaning, I was interrupted by the receptionist to notify me that we had a last minute walk-inn. I expressed my frustration that the client will only have time for twenty-five minutes and I am not prepared to massage someone after just handling cleaning chemicals. I stopped what I was doing and went up front to explain to the client that I cannot do a full body massage in twenty-five minutes. The male client express that he did not care and that he would leave a nasty yelp review. I took the client back to the massage room and told him to lay face down under the sheets. When I entered the room to start the massage, the man was laying naked face up on top of the sheets. As I was getting him covered with a blanket, I stressed to him that he needs to remain covered and draped. Once I started the session, he made an attempt to grab and touch me inappropriately. I told him that the session is now over; this behavior is not okay at this establishment. I left the room and stormed upfront to tell the receptionist what had just happened. I immediately

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