
Mrs. Cannon 's 2nd Grade Class Narrative

Decent Essays

Mrs. Cannon 's 1st Grade Class Narrative
I was sent to observe Mrs. Cannon 's 1st grade class after she contacted Dr. Jekyll at Athens State. Upon entering Mrs. Cannon 's classroom I noticed that her room is colorful and the student 's work is displayed all around her room. The desks are in rows, there is a Math Center, and there is a rug as the reading area.
After speaking with Mrs. Cannon she tells me she teaches all content areas, she has 15 English-speaking students, 1 Spanish-speaking student, and 1 Japanese-speaking student. Mrs. Cannon has been teaching for 3 years, however, she has never taught an English Language Learner (ELL) before. She mentions she is not concerned about reaching the ELLs because they can speak English. …show more content…

The students are asked to copy the words into their social studies folder. Mrs. Cannon then verbalizes the definitions of each word. John offers his own definition of a word, the teacher says, “Just copy my definition. It’ll be the one on the vocabulary test.” John looks embarrassed. Mrs. Cannon then gives the students another assignment to pick one form of communication, decide if it’s from past or present, write a description about it and draw a picture. John seems confused and I noticed him copying another student’s paper. When the students are at recess Mrs. Cannon says, “I just don’t understand. I modeled the handwriting and gave them an explanation of each word. Why are they not getting it? I mean, I have high expectations for them and want them to do well, I really do.”
To help Mrs. Cannon, first let’s address the teacher’s lack of knowledge about John’s background. Mrs. Cannon needs to “become familiar with the Asian cultural values, traditions, customs, home life, and support system” of her student. (Azira, 2010, pg. 124) If Mrs. Cannon is knowledgeable about John’s culture then she will know that there may be a misunderstanding between her and his father on how they both have high expectations. Although she may have high expectations of her student, Asians take their education to a whole new level. Asians put a very high value on education to the point that they do not care if they accumulate debt. The parent

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