Mrs. De La Questa has a wound care appointments with Dr. Guidice-Teller on Tuesday for 6 weeeks at 1:45pm. Caregivers in the morning have to remind her on Tuesdays about her appointments. We will be picking up Mrs. De La Questa at 1:00pm from her apartment and take her to Dr. Guidice-Teller’s clinic located on 1010 NW 6th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601 (direction is below).
she needs to keep that appointment. She is to return here sooner if she is having
Anna Garcia died unexpectedly on a hot summer day. The EMT broke down the door and found Anna lying face down on the floor. The case is being investigated. The persons of interest are Alex Garcia, Anna’s former husband; Doug Greene, Anna’s neighbor; Erica Piedmont, Alex’s new wife; and Lucy Leffingwell, Anna’s best friend. The person who is most suspicious of having something to do with Anna’s death is her former husband, Alex Garcia.
Anna Garcia, a 38 year old Hispanic female was found dead in her home. Ms. Garcia was a non-smoker, and she was a former athlete, but was not exercising regularly. She co-owned a bakery with one of her good friends, Lucy Leffingwell. Anna Garcia was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia at 14 months old. When she was 14 years old Anna Garcia was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. When Ms. Garcia was 37 years old, she checked herself into the hospital after intense chest pains. Her family had a history of early heart disease and uncontrolled hypertension. Ms. Garcia was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, a slight heart murmur, and an EKG showed an irregular heart rhythm due to the ventricles not contracting correctly. Also at age 37, Ms. Garcia had
Introduction: Anna Garcia, age 38, was found dead in her home at 9:56 a.m., the scene was processed at 10:20 a.m. She was found near a knocked over table facedown with blood coming from somewhere on her body, most likely her head area. The EMT pronounced her dead and a investigation began on whether or not this was a crime. She recently divorced her now remarried ex-husband whom does not get along well with. The ex-husband’s wife has not been known for being nice or fond of Anna Garcia, making her a suspect.
Ramona Salvarez: I am a federal circuit judge, which is pretty similar to an elected official, since I was appointed by a democratic president. But, if there was a difference it's probably my experience level.
On 04/21/2017 at 1636 hours, the complainant Miriam Salazar, arrived at the Bladensburg Police Station to report a fraud that occurred at T-Mobile 8427 Greenbelt Road Maryland 20710.
Mental health treatment for the child was discussed with Ms. Cardiello. The mother indicated that she has considered mental health treatment for the child however, it is not covered under the insurance.
Myranda Aguilar has been working in health care for 15 years and for the past two years she’s been working as a privacy analyst for Sutter Health located in Sacramento California. As a privacy analyst her duties are protection of patients’ privacy, compliance, and information security. Her responsibilities are to monitor and investigate any suspicious activity by taking a proactive standpoint against hackers, educate hospital staff on how to protect patients’ privacy, and ensure patients safety during their stay in the hospital. She works with elected board members of the health committee program she works for. One of the projects that she is currently working on is privacy auditing and monitoring where she tracks patients records to determine
When I arrive at Miss Rojas house, she was already on the phone for her court date . I was not allowed to speak while she was on the phone with the judge. Miss Rojas went in the bathroom with her phone, because Aleena was making too much noise. When Miss Rojas got off the phone I asked her what happened and did she ask about Mr. Perez having to attend a drug program, having a drug test and him having a psychiatric evaluation. Miss Rojas, told me the Judge ordered Miss Cortez to send out a letter stating Chelsea’s case is closed Miss Rojas’ oldest daughter, who currently lives with her grandmother. The Judge also ordered Miss Cortes to stop by Miss Rojas’ apartment before the day was over. Miss Rojas requested she be allowed another psychiatric evaluation after she had the baby, it was denied. Miss Rojas stayed on the phone with judge until roughly 11 o'clock. After Miss Rojas got off the phone I asked her how did she feel about Court and she said that she was happy with her lawyer. Who brought up all the things that have been bothering her.
Mrs. Tapia is a Pupil Services Attendance (PSA) Counselor at Pacific Boulevard School where the population is predominantly Hispanic. She holds a Master’s Degree with a PPS Credential and has gained a full spectrum of experience at Pacific Boulevard. Her profession is not only bound to counseling but also takes charge of other responsibilities that are needed at the school pertaining to the well-being of the students.
Looking at Lamanda, a young, confused and troubled woman, one may find many issues that are present in her life. The psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, biological, and sociocultural perspectives of psychology each have different concepts within them that can be used to define and find the root of these issues. By looking deeper into Lamanda’s life, and applying these concepts and perspectives, a researcher can help her deduce what is causing her these problems, and understand Lamanda’s complex situation.
After rereading Sandra Cisneros’ work I can draw many connections to my own case study, as well as Pigg’s, and Wardle and Downs. Cisneros’ work connects to all of these literary critics because she is working to gain approval. Cisneros is aiming to gain approval from her father by writing her books. This can connect to all of us because we are all writing to gain approval of some sort. it may be from our peers or elders, but no matter what the situation, it can be connected to Brandt's theories. when one goes back to Brandt's idea of sponsorship, one can see how important it is to have a sponsor when looking at these two cases. Raymond had sponsorship from the minute he was old enough to go to school. Being from a wealthy family meant his parents could get him any sponsorship he wanted. The computer he was introduced to helped fuel his sponsorship, and Raymond was able to gain an advantage in life because of the sponsorship from his family. Whereas Dora, on the other hand, had to search for sponsors on her own, because her family simple didn't have the money to give her one. Her lack of sponsorship caused her to drop out of college and become a maid.
Ron will continue to harass Julia and/or other employees. In addition, Julia could loose her job because there might be layoffs in her new department.
-Working with Mary, I feel that one barrier that she is facing in regards to her expressing/accepting her sexual orientation and gender identity is fear of being rejected and shamed by her family. Evidence suggests that for LGBTQ young adults, a heightened level of
Second goal: Patient, assisted by the social worker (MSW), will be able to identify, communicate by phone and utilize in her favor the community resources to obtain more information and/or support with the cost of her medication cost before her next doctor appointment, in three weeks.