
Mtv : The Decade Of Fashion

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The Decade of Fashion Through TV influences people’s fashion, style, and makeup has slowly transformed from bright and bold to neutral tones over the years. Cable television became more accessible in the 1980s and by the middle of the decade 70 percent of the American population has a Cable Television that inspired people to follow popular TV shows’ fashion (Alexander). Dynasty came out as one of the most watched soap operas at the time and people began stealing fashion and makeup ideas from the show almost instantly, for example, shoulder pads. Shoulder pads could be worn as a formal work ensemble and then turn around and wear it out to a party and was a very versatile look for teens on the go. MTV was a budding show that had just came out (Dworjan). Unlike what MTV is now, it featured uprising singers and comedians that appealed to a teenage audience. One famous singer that was featured on MTV quite often was Madonna (Leaper). Madonna then became the fashion icon as she is still known as today. Her hair scrunchies and leatherware hit the shelves in clothing stores everywhere. It seemed to be that the more hits Madonna made, the more people wanted to borrow her style (Leaper). In this period Michael Jackson hit his highest peak. Everyone was apart of the MJ craze. Of course MTV featured one of the most popular videos of all time “Thriller”. Thriller’s signature red and black leather jacket was one of the biggest copy-cat fashion fads of the time (Leaper). Every middle

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