
Much Ado About Nothing Tragedy

Decent Essays

Tragicomedies, a type of writing or play, has been around for thousands of years. Much Ado About Nothing, a drama written by playwright William Shakespeare, exemplifies compelling characteristics that show up in tragicomedies. A few of the work’s character’s, such as Hero, Beatrice, Benedick, Dogberry, Don Pedro, and Claudio, provide multiple examples of what a tragicomedy has to offer. Shakespeare’s drama Much Ado About Nothing is both a comedy and a tragedy due to Dogberry’s monologue, Hero’s exposure of her unfaithfulness, and Beatrice and Benedick’s love.

For instance, Dogberry’s monologue about Conrad’s claim he is an ass provides a situation of comedy. Dogberry, a constable who watches over the city of Messina, was the first to discover …show more content…

After the two future lovers were tricked into falling for each other, Hero was accused of her unfaithfulness to Claudio by being around another man. Beatrice later said to Benedick “Kill Claudio...Not for the wide world. You kill me to deny it. Farewell” (Act 4, Scene 1, 74). In her eyes, Beatrice believes that Hero would do no such thing as cheat on her future husband, and that Claudio must be murdered for his treason of calling her out in front of the crowd on the most important day of her life. The idea of a possible death to a main character created a sense of panic to readers and the thought of lifetime friends fighting to the death seems extremely inhumane. On the other hand, once the conflict is resolved and Don John is found guilty of the entire scheme, Beatrice and Benedick begin to joke about their love with each other and try to hide it from the outside world by stating “Do not you love me? Troth no, no more than reason…” (Act 5, Scene 4, 101). Hero then pulls out Beatrice’s “halting sonnet” (Act 5, Scene 4, 101) that is “writ in my cousin’s name” (Act 5, Scene 4, 101), and Benedick and Beatrice’s love is proven to the world. By mixing some tragic and comedic flares into one scene, the understanding of the work is brought out and imagery is present to paint a vivid image in any reader’s

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