
Multi Agency Working Essay

Decent Essays

These were the services that failed to work together to protect Victoria. This statement above illustrates the continuing problem of agencies not sharing or passing on vital information. Consistently crucial information is not passed on or not acted on when it is received.
A class teacher is another practitioner that is involved within multi-agency working. This is because they work alongside children every single day. Teachers can help other practitioners by providing details of observations of behaviour changes, attendance and needs within a child. Teachers would then use this information to communicate with the School Designated Lead (DSL), who is ‘the first point of contact for any member of the school staff who has a concern about the …show more content…

This could include the barrier of Management and governance. If there is not a clear structure of management, multi-agency working is likely to fail. Timing is another key issue related to these practitioners. For example, it may be hard to find a convenient time to meet other professionals within their demanding workloads. There is also only a certain amount of time available to act and respond to different problems.
In order to promote multi-disciplinary working, all barriers need to be minimised or removed. By doing this, it will help to meet the holistic needs of individuals. To help achieve this, the Team Around the Child (TAC) has been introduced to allow different practitioners to work together in order to support and meet the needs of both a child and their family. According to the Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC),
“The TAC is a model of multi-agency service provision. The TAC brings together a range of different practitioners from across the children and young people’s workforce to support an individual child or young person and their family. The members of the TAC develop and deliver a package of solution-focused support to meet the needs identified through the common assessment.” (CWDC, 2009.p29)
There are several benefits to the TAC which include greater efficiency in multi-agency working, closer involvement with individuals and the community, improved access to services delivered to local people, helping to remove barriers and to enable them to improve attendance, reduce exclusions, raise attainment and lessen antisocial

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