
Multi-Genre Project Analysis

Decent Essays

My process for creating this project was fairly simple. Upon being informed of this assignment, my gears started to turn. I asked my parents for possible ideas on my Multi-Genre project. After consulting with them, I determined my project would be dedicated to my late grandmother.
Upon deciding this, immediately, different emotions were present. I started off very optimistic and elated on the calming effects the project would bring. While writing my five original pieces and working on creating the website, I often felt waves of sadness and even began to tear up as I presented pieces of the project to my peers and even the students in my class. Upon completing the project, I began to feel at ease and felt as my grandmother were alive, she would be very proud of the life decisions I am making. The time has come to now present the final project to my father and my father’s side of the family. I am apprehensive of the different emotions that will be presented. Yet, at the same time, my continual hope is that my family continues to find comfort and solace even though we continue to mourn the loss of our matriarch. …show more content…

Transparency can lend itself to different sides in life. So, being able to clearly express my feelings and be completely open aided in helping to heal my heart. Firsthand, as a teacher, I often tell my students as they write, be completely honest with yourself and let the ideas continue to flow. At the same time, I realized I was not taking my own advice. This project gave me the chance to implement some of the same strategies and guidelines suggested for my students. At the end of the project, I was really amazed at how vivid my writing had been due to the fact that I was able to be open with myself concerning my

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