
Multicultural Education, Its Purpose, Goals, And Challenges Inclusive

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Banks (2012) cited the history behind multicultural education, its purpose, goals, and challenges inclusive to multiculturalism. One of the challenges’ that Banks noted was the problem was with “Ideological resistance by assimilationist is a major factor that has slowed and is still slowing the development of a multicultural curriculum” (p. 244). Bank’s literature contributed to the knowledge of historical patterns associated with multicultural education and the need for more multicultural programs in education.
Jia (2015) contributed to the history by stating there was a lack of intercultural programs that were connected to English as a Foreign Language program in China. Jia argued for more multicultural programs, which could have helped students to become more self-aware, and would have aided students to comprehend ethnocentrism and racial stereotypes while reducing prejudice. The principal goal in Jia’s research was to collect data at a national level regarding culture and at a foreign level regarding intercultural programs. Students then would be able to identify and associate these cultures by presenting their differences and similarities; the main goal at the behavioral level was to contemplate about the national culture and individual intercultural interactions. Jia posited the lack of multicultural programs at an international level with an English as a Second Language program was not just a problem associated in the United States, but went beyond the confines of

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