
Multiple Signs Of Infection, Retinal Vascular Sheathing And Retinal Hemorrhages

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Our patient presented with multiple signs of infection, which can’t initially be pinpointed to one disease alone. The three important signs to initially address and understand the science behind are perivasculitis, retinal vascular sheathing and retinal hemorrhages. All three medical definitions appear straightforward and all very similar, but the combination of the three leads to a serious diagnosis and urgency for this patient.
Perivasculitis is an “inflammation of a sheath surrounding the tissue”1. In class we discussed the differences between perivasculitis and periflabitis. Perivasculitis should be white because of the inflammation and the white blood cells then spilling out. The Prefix ‘peri’ means around, or on the outside of the tissue. Retinal vascular sheathing is “sheathing or cuffing of blood vessels and vitreous cells”. The swelling or ‘cuffing’ of blood vessels in the retinal layer is a serious condition and is often associated with vasculitis. Finally, a retinal hemorrhage is “abnormal bleeding of the vessels in the retina”2. Retinal hemorrhages can be caused for a variety of reasons such as injuries like forceful blows or accidents and falls, as well as adverse health conditions. We know that the loss of vision can be largely attributed to the excess debris that is currently located in the eye, the debris being blood that is leaking out. Our case states that he has no previous trauma however, proving that there is an ulterior cause to the acute onset of the

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