
The Complex Structure of the Visual Organ of the Human Body

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The visual organ of the human body is a specialized structure designed to receive and process light into images that can be perceived by the brain and is commonly known as the eye. Structurally, the eye is a globular unit that can be generally divided into an anterior segment composed of an anterior and posterior chamber or internal cavities filled with of thin, transparent fluid called the aqueous humor and a posterior segment filled with a clear, jelly-like substance referred to as the vitreous body (Abrahams, 2002). Surrounding these two polarized segments are three concentric layers that form the external wall of the eye called the fibrous layer, vascular layer, and sensory or inner layer. Each layer of the eye is composed of specialized components such as the sclera and cornea in the fibrous layer, the choroid, ciliary body, and retina in the vascular layer, and the retina and optic nerve which comprise the sensory or innermost layer. As each of these structures within the eye performs an integral function that contributes to one’s sense of vision, while others have a supplementary specialized role to protect the eye, impairing any one of these components via trauma or damage to the eye leads to a severe reduction in visual faculty. Damage to the retina, specifically, can cause a condition called retinal detachment whereas the name denotes, the retina becomes detached from an underlying layer of pigmented epithelium cells known as the retinal pigment layer and thereby

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