Multiplication Have you ever had trouble with a subject? I did, and still do. But there was one particular time where I struggled with a subject, and I’d thought I would share. When I was in 2nd grade, we started Multiplication in math class. To me, it was the hardest thing in the world. I always had trouble with it. I was in 2nd grade when I struggled with math. It didn’t make sense to me,. I felt as if I was the only one in my class who didn’t know how to do math. I tried, but I didn’t quite understand, and I was really shy, so I didn’t like asking for help. It didn’t come to my attention until my parents scolded me for getting bad grades. I then began to try to get better. I started to ask my teacher for help, my parents too.
In high school, I struggled with both math and physics. Between the two, physics was more challenging for me than math. When my father realized I was failing both subjects (with flying colors) he immediately hired a tutor for me. Prior to getting help, I spent a lot of time in circles trying to figure out one question after another. For some reason I could not get the hang of physics. I started to feel embarrassed about not know how to solve my math and physics problems when I realized that one of my closest girlfriend was doing well in both subjects. After taking a quiz, I would hide my grade from my classmates because I was so embarrassed about it. When my father received my first quarter report card he was very disappointed
A time I struggled in my life was when I had to learn long division. It happened while I was in the fourth grade; I just couldn’t catch on and was quickly becoming frustrated. Math had always been one of my weakest subjects. Then one Sunday afternoon, my mom made me sit down and helped me learn it.
At the beginning of sixth grade there are different struggles for everybody, my main struggle was technology. I didn't understand Powerschool, or TCSD Live, and most of all I did not understand Canvas. Canvas confused me a lot, in class I often got behind because I didn’t know what the teacher was talking about. I figured Canvas would always be hard and I would never understand.
Big Idea: Knowing multiplication factors helps in learning division. Common Core Standards: CC.2.2.3.A.1: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.2:
When I was little, I was always good at math, before 8th grade, when I was in Germany and I came to America. But that changed when I faced the most difficult challenge yet Honors Geometry. Shy 8th grade me was too embarrassed and reluctant to ask my teacher for their help in math and it led to some very big consequences. Because I didn’t try to ask for help, I didn’t do as good as I could’ve and I didn’t reach my academic goal of getting the Golden Tassel.
Math has never been difficult for me. I think math has always been one of my strongest subjects. I think this because when I was younger I spoke Spanish first and then my parents put me in an all English speaking school and the only thing that didn't change for me was math. I never struggled in math through middle school because I always found it easy so my teachers would give me harder work than others. In the past when I struggles on a problem I would get frustrated really easy. I still get frustrated when I can't get something correct because I feel like I just want to give up and not try anymore. I would try to quit but then I remembered that if my parents found out I would get in trouble so I continued to do it. I wouldn't quit on it,
For the past three years of my high school career, and now my fourth, I have made it an obligation to continually expand my horizons in regards to math; when I cannot fully grasp an idea or concept, rather than giving up, I relentlessly pursue the idea until it is understood. During freshman year, math did not come easily to me. I was forced to go in early some days because, simply, I did not comprehend the concepts. However, taking initiative with my school work, and constantly working through problems that were difficult can be deemed one of the best decisions I have made. Although my final grade may not have been an
Remember going into second grade and fearing those one minute division tests? I remember very clearly how afraid and intimidated I was. I panicked because I was scared that I was not going to get a good grade on it. To my surprise, I did not get a high score on it compared to my classmates. I was devastated because I had tried really hard on it. After that, I hated math until seventh grade. Math was my worst subject, and I acknowledge I was terrible at it. I hated it so much that after years of hating it, I developed a passion for math. After some years of practicing math, I fell in love with it. Entering middle school, Algebra was introduced. I loved Algebra because I was not only adding numbers, I was solving for certain variables at the
Being the oldest of four children, it was always hard me to learn things fast. My parents weren’t able to help me with schoolwork because they both dropped out of school at a very young age. As I entered high school, I was terrified of all the hard classes I would be taking. Although I am not the best in every subject, a topic in which I have excelled in is Mathematics.
I have excelled in many of my classes. When I say "excel" I refer more to how these classes have changed me and in turn impacted my life. Each year I can see that I become a much better student. I have excelled mostly in the math, science and English subjects during my years in high school. But, I have mostly been drawn to do the need to succeed in the subject of math and therefore, succeeded the most in it.
Yes, math has always been difficult for me, I been struggling in middle school because it was pretty hard for me I really didn't understand much of the math that I been doing in middle school, the reason why I think that math is difficult is because you have to solve hard problems with dividing and all of that, I think for math you have to use your brain a little more than any subjects. In middle school whenever I struggle I asked my partner if he/she knew how to do it they will always help me out and I would sometimes end up solving it and sometimes I would end up not solving it because I would struggle a lot and I wouldn't understand some things. When I struggled on my math I would usually keep going at it, at times when the problems are
This year my academic struggle is to understand how a wave behaves and a math package. This hard for me on this assignment I got so confused easily. One example, is understand how a wave behave. In this assignment, we have to find frequencies .We have to solve them by using formulas. I chose this as my struggle because I got confused when I see different type of wave some are small and some have so much crust and trigh in a wave.It’s hard for me to tell how many wave in there. What I learn from this when you talk, the sound disturbed molecules that in the air and it is so small that you can’t see it happening. Another struggle that I have is math packet.I choose this as my academic struggle because math is the hardest subject for me. Something I would get confused when the number are top each other. I have hard time dividing numbers and the words problems.The thing that I like about math is when you solving the problems step by step. Math will help me with counting money, measuring things.
Valarie, I too struggled with math when I was a child, and I still struggle with it today. It's unfortunate that you were abused for something that was out of your control. While I had family and friends do their best to help me, I also had teachers who were not very supportive or helpful. They made me feel dumb quite often, and it was pretty discouraging. Similarly I also didn’t go to other kids’ houses nor did I have them over to mine, but I believe that was more due to my lack of social skills. I had friends but I didn’t know how to socialize with them outside of school. So, I didn’t start hanging out with people outside of school until I was a
Even before then, it was no secret I was struggling. In middle school, I developed the beginning of my debilitating problems. Almost like a chain reaction, one obstacle would lead to a more difficult one.
So freshman algebra rolled around and I loved it. After two weeks in the class I was three and one half chapters ahead of the teacher. He would only assign the odd problems for homework, but I’d do them all. Geometry was even cooler. But thinking back, not one of the teachers even commended me for doing so well. My father noticed I was good at it, but I thought he had to tell me I was good; he was my father.