
Murder Is Morally Wrong

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What is a ‘valid’ reason to commit murder? Ideally, no answer would truly suffice as from a young age we are taught that killing is morally wrong.
Our conscience allows us to rationalise our decisions based on what we believe is morally right. Pauline Parker, a teenage girl born and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand, conspired with close friend Juliet Hulme to murder her mother in 1954. Director Peter Jackson chronicled this case of matricide that shocked the nation in the 1995 film ‘Heavenly Creatures’, which gives us insight into the “twisted mind” of a killer. This is supported by real evidence collected from the trial – a series of explicit diary entries leading up to the murder and Pauline’s surprisingly nonchalant court testimonial. …show more content…

Jackson constructs a new world (Fourth World) with its own set of morals and sensibilities without indulging in explicit comparisons or editorializing. Viewer is easily carried into new morality, evoking extreme sympathy for both girls, which is proof that the audience has been relocated into their world by film end. When Juliet says to Pauline, "Only the best people fight against all obstacles in pursuit of happiness.” We are almost convinced she is right! Although, if we revaluate her ‘valid’ murder reason (Honora threaten separation “unhealthy relationship” combined with her “boring/dull/miserable” personality), we would be less convinced/ empathetic/ sympathetic.
Throughout the film there is little reference in connection to the murder, apart from the oblique statement made by Juliet on the morning of the murder in Pauline’s bedroom - "I think your mother knows what's going to happen to …show more content…

The entire altercation arose from them oversleeping. Upon awaking and going into the family's kitchen, they encountered a furious Jarmecca. According to the twins, Jarmecca had threatened them with a pot from the stove after they woke up late. By the twins' account, all three were yelling and they wrestled the pot away from their mother when she grabbed a kitchen knife. Jasmiyah said that she punched her mother to get her off of her. Tasmiyah said she grabbed the knife and stabbed Jarmecca. Jasmiyah said that she, too, grabbed the knife and began stabbing her

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