Muscle Types
There are three types of muscle tissue: Visceral, cardiac, and skeletal.
1Visceral Muscle. "smooth muscle" found inside of organs like the stomach and blood vessels.
2 Cardiac Muscle. Found only in the heart, and is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
3Skeletal Muscle. Skeletal muscle is the only voluntary muscle tissue in the human body. For example if a person speaks writes or performs any physical activity there body uses skeletal muscle. Most skeletal muscles are attached to two bones across a joint.
Function of Muscle Tissue
The main function of the muscular system is movement. Muscles are the only tissue in the body that has the ability to contract and therefore move the other parts of the body.
The human body is like a machine, and like many machines it is made up of many different features and parts. The main anatomical features of the human body include; the cells, skeletal system and muscular system. These systems can relate to/work with other systems within the body. This can include the cardiovascular system working with the digestive system by breaking down food to make the nutrients that are then transported around the body it to function adequately.
2. The Skeletal and Muscular systems - The skeletal system’s goal is to give the body posture. However, the muscular system connects to the bone and helps move the arm. For example, Biceps and triceps connect to the shoulder and the radius and ulna to lift and lower your arm. In order for proper function, your body must only contract either the biceps or triceps at once. Additionally, the biceps and triceps would lie limp without the support from the bone. This is because the muscle can only constrict and relax. For this reason, they can’t move any limb without bones.
system is to provide movement for the body. The muscular system consist of three different
Muscular system – The muscle system is just that – muscles. Muscles, with the support of the skeletal system, are what makes humans walk, run, or grab and lift thing by contracting and working together with other muscles and body parts. d. Nervous system – The nervous system is the fast-acting message center for the brain and spinal cord to nerves and other parts of the body. When you think to jump, this is what tells your brain and your muscles when and where to jump. Like the integumentary system, it also senses and regulates body temperature on the outside, but the nervous system also regulates and detects internal temperatures.
The muscular system allows your body to move which is very important for your survival. Without it you would not only never be able to move, but you would not be able to digest food and your heart would not beat.
The left side of the heart, has the left atrium and ventricle that takes in oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it out of the aorta.
Muscle is formed with a long and thin tissue called muscle tissue which moves the organs and organisms, and the muscle tissue is made out of a group of cells called the muscle fibers. There are three types of muscle: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle is the muscle who moves the bones, it has much longer fibers than the smooth muscles. Smooth muscle forms the walls of organs, for example, the wall of a stomach. Cardiac muscle is the muscle that forms the heart. From the cross-section view of a muscle, it shows that there is a layer of muscle sheath around the outermost layer of the muscle. The blood vessels that brings glucose and oxygen to the muscle are weaved in the fibers, and there is a layer of epithelial cells around the muscle to keep the fibers together.Muscle tissue can repair itself, but with round scar tissue instead of long, stretchy fibers. Skeletal
Skeletal muscles allow us to move our bodies. They are composed of three different types of muscle fibers; slow-twitch (type 1), fast-twitch oxidative fibers (type 2a), and fast-twitch glycolytic fibers (type 2b).
[1] The muscular system is used to maintain the body, hold the body together, and to allow the body to move. Many muscles cover the body and allow it to function to the best of its abilities; however, there are three types of muscles which allow the body to function: skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. Skeletal muscles use connective tissue to attach to the skeletal structure, and allow for movement of the body. Smooth muscles function by forming structures such as blood vessel walls or the walls of the digestive tract. The cardiac muscle, also known as the heart, functions by pumping blood throughout the body.
Your muscles need protein, nutrients, and oxygen to move and work. Then the circulatory system carries those essential particles to your muscles from the digestive and respiratory systems. That is when your circulatory system carries the leftover waste back to the original systems to be discharged from your body. Your nervous
The next stop in our body system is the muscular system. The muscles in our body help us move all of the organs in our body without them we would be a statue.
Hassan-Smith, Jenkinson, Smith, Hernandez, Keevil, Stewart, Hewison, Crabtree, Smith, Gittoes, & Morgan (2017) stated from a previous study that not having the right intake of vitamin D goes along with the concept of insufficient muscle mass in the human body. Testing this theory required to have 116 volunteers who were between the ages of 20-74 years old. After testing the trial they discovered that vitamin d was not connected to body fat but to lean mass.
The muscular system is an organ system composed of roughly 650 to 850 muscles. The muscular systems consist of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. The muscular system collectively works with other organ systems to permit movement, posture, conduction of heat and the circulation of blood throughout the human body.
Skeletal muscle is the major reservoir of the body proteins and represents 50% of the total body weight. Their function is to provide the body movement, strength, respiration, balance, posture and to regulate the temperature (Lenk et al., 2010).